Friday, November 28, 2008

The Day after Thanksgiving

Hello Everyone! I know that it's the Day After Thanksgiving and you're probably just now getting home from the MADNESS OF Black Friday but I wanted to say hi and let you know that we're thinking of you.

Over the years of learning God's Word and coming to appreciate His Grace has amplified what this holiday means to me. I know that we're under no mandate in this present Age of Grace to observe any holidays and therefore it means so much more to me that my observance and participation in the festivities traditionally associated with Thanksgiving is FREE AND UNCOERCED. That's true freedom and that to is the Christian Spiritual Life.

The next Holiday is CHRISTMAS and there's a lot of controversy and debate that goes into the social exchange within and without the community of faith about whether or not God is glorified when we christians participate in something the world and the devil has hijacked.

We think it's unfortunate that this is how it is but let's keep it in perspective. Nothing happens in the Plan of God by accident or without Divine approval and so it is as God would have it.

I've thought about this a few times over the years and here's what I think a Biblically authorized attitude should look like,- LIVE AND LET LIVE! GIVE GOD THE GLORY! and "whatsoever you eat[Turkey, Ham, Duck], drink [Soda, Eggnog, Milk] or do [Shop, Decorate with trees and lights, exchange gifts OR NOT!]- do all to the GLORY of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31). Now, if you live by this principle of Grace as given to us under the New Covenant all the guesswork goes out the window and you can open up your heart and let the "SON-SHINE" in.

Thanks for listening and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!,-Larry Wise

1 comment:

Clint Ceralde said...

Awesome post, thanks Larry! Welcome to BWB!