Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wash Your Hands

Okay, I'll confess. I did something bad and got caught. The other day after leaving the bathroom, my daughter, who obviously was standing outside the bathroom door for some reason said to me, "Daddy, you didn't wash your hands!"

Yeah, I know- gross, right? But what's the first thing that we do when we get caught? We throw the blame back at whoever caught us. That's just what I did. My response? "What were you doing standing outside the door?!" As if that question was relevant. Her reply, "It doesn't matter, you still didn't wash your hands."

Eight year olds. They're so smart.

My point is that you never know who is watching you- or listening in my case. As Christ-Followers, if we want to be viewed with "clean hands", then we need to live "clean lives". And the way to do that is to not only "wash your hands", so to speak, when people are watching, but more importantly, when we think no one is around.

...for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16


drick said...

i am never ever again going to shake your hand...

Clint Ceralde said...

Aww, come on! I'm clean now!

Jonathan Booker said...

Thanks to the Lord Jesus!

Anonymous said...

If you wash your hands while singing one time through "Happy Birthday" that is supposed to be adequate time to rid your hands of germs..... At least I think that's what I've heard at school. (I'm a teacher)