Sunday, March 8, 2009

Challenged and Changed by the Movie FIREPROOF

Has anyone seen Kirk Cameron’s movie FIREPROOF yet? I’m not really one to watch religious movies simply because, well quite honestly, I think they’re poorly done all around and almost always demonstrate a lack of Biblical reality from beginning to end. In otherwords most so-called Christian films are doctrinally incorrect and leave people confused after it’s all said and done. However, my wife wanted to watch the movie and since she’s THE BOSS (lol) I watched it as well but not without some opening negative comments which disappeared only to be replaced with an appreciation I must share with you and everyone else who will listen.

Let me tell you, it took a few minutes before I realized that Kirk was doing a fine job of acting and that the movie wasn’t poorly put together at all. It had everything from a good supporting cast, serious drama, just enouph comedy, and a plot of Hollywood familiarity- in short the film had the works that makes for a good movie.

Kirk’s character is that of a Fireman who’s job is to save people from dangerous situations like fires and car accidents and he’s good at what he does. He’s ‘FIREPROOF’ but his marriage is on the rocks. He’s got his issues and his wife has got hers and so the two of them want out. He’s able to save others and deliver them in the midst of serious suffering and crisis but he just can’t seem to come through with the woman he married. Long story, short-(I really don’t want to say more than this just in case you haven’t seen the movie) one thing leads to another and so on all the way to the end of the movie where he and his wife are embracing one another in AGAPE love. God’s kind of love. The secret to fixing, not just marriages, but all kinds of relationships.

My wife and I were both blessed today having watched this movie and it’s message was exactly what we needed to hear. We’ve been married now for 14 years and although the particulars of our relationship are much different than the character’s in the movie there were elements common to our experience which I think we all share. What stood out for us, and we both agreed, is the principle of AGAPE love which is an unconditional love that only and continually thinks for the good of the other person whether we get it back or not. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's the picture we see of Jesus on the cross. Hanging there on a lonely hill on the outskirts of Jeruselem, suspended between Heaven and earth thinking of you and me as He died willingly and freely for our sins and all at the same time knowing how we would spurn His love but that didn't stop Him. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 NASV

The greatest underlying issue in all rifted relationships such as marriages, family and friendships is, in my opinion, SELFISHNESS. What’s in it for me? What about me? (I’m reminded here of a Toby Kieth song. God help me?). That’s right, ME, MYSELF AND I. Remember Lucifer’s story and what happened? Remember Adam and Eve’s story and what happened? Remember Cain and Able’s story and what happened. Right from the very beginning we see what kicked it off but it just seems to catch us all so unaware, doesn’t it? You would think now, after several thousands of years of human history we’d figure it out and do something about it, right? Therein is the problem, we do know and we have tried with all kinds of sociological and psychological programs but the problem gets worse and worse when we try to make it right by our standards. If we can make it right by our standards then why is divorce so rampant these days, even among us Christians? You don’t really have an answer, do you? Stop and think about it.

I could go on and on here about how this movie blessed me and opened my eyes and changed my mind but you already know that so one quick last thing before I sign off.

God knows how to get our attention and since my wife and I like to watch movies God spoke to us through that medium. What a WONDERFUL, LOVING, and BEAUTIFUL GOD we have.

Go ahead, watch FIREPROOF. Guys, watch it with your wife. You’ll be CHALLENGED and CHANGED.

Larry Wise


Clint Ceralde said...

I can't wait to check it out!

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed watching that movie, too.