Susan is 47 years old, and is from Scotland. She is unassuming in her appearance- maybe even a little homely. Her wardrobe is dowdy, and she admits to never having been on a date before, and even professes to never having been kissed before either.
Enter the television show Britain's Got Talent. It's a show very much like our American Idol. This is where the world discovered Susan Boyle.
When she first walked on that stage, it was evident from the reaction of the audience and from the faces of the judges that Susan was not going to get the benefit of the doubt on what talent she could possibly possess.
Wow, she sure proved everyone wrong. Everyone. After just a few seconds into her singing, it was apparent that Susan was suffering from a case of mistaken identity.
She was viewed as an ordinary plain-jane, but in reality there was something extraordinary about her. By the end of her performance, everyone recognized that she harbored a talent that made her beauty undeniable.
Even Simon Cowell was impressed, and if you watch American Idol, you know how hard it is to impress that guy!
Susan Boyle had a light that she let shine that day, and the world saw it.
How about you? Do you let your light shine? Or do you accept the ordinary role that society has defined for you?
Often time we cover up the beauty of the message that we have been blessed with, because we let our light get snuffed out by self-imposed limits, by imagined pressures or by the stresses of our everyday lives. But it shouldn't be so.
The beauty of the gospel that we carry is a message that has the power to bring light even to the most darkest of places.
All we have to do is to take a step out on faith. Let your light shine and God will do the rest. Oh, and if you haven't seen Susan Boyle sing yet, look her up on YouTube. You'll see how amazing it is when someone takes that step of faith... It's simply beautiful.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
You are so right on about this. We do walk around "masked". . . holding in our beauty. . . the beauty of Heaven!!! Why?? I think we are scared of the panel of "judges" we think we face. What will they say? How will they react? Praise God that Susan Boyle had the courage (and surely support) to step in front of really the world and let them see how beautiful she is! May we all be encouraged by her and let it speak to our own spiritual walk that we may sometimes feel is our more of a spiritual performance subject to an earthly and faithless panel. . .
ps. i love this blogger
Great contemporary parable. Thanks for the reminder and timely challenge 'Cleenton'!
Nice post again, I haven't heard her but would find her on youtube.
I like your perspective on the Susan Boyle story. That's a take I hadn't heard before.
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